Deposy software and its verification process successfully run on the test system

At the end of 2019, Deposy, the plastic deposit system based on Tangle Technology, was voted Project of the Year by the IOTA community and was chosen by the IOTA Foundation in cooperation with EIT Climate KIK as one of the best sustainability projects based on IOTA. Deposy has now moved from the concept phase to the test phase (Proof of Concept, POC), at the end of which the prototype is ready. A fully functional demo machine will be presented in the coming weeks.

Since the beginning of 2020, the Deposy team has been able to solve many important technical and economical details. For example, the incorporation of the unique Deposy Product ID information must keep pace with the speed of the production processes of plastics manufacturers. Here, the team was able to develop an excellent solution using the Deposy NTA algorithm, which accelerates this process.

The team was also able to develop effective solutions to the question of the speed of the machine transaction. This is about the time until the plastic part is processed and validated in the machine so that the next part can be inserted. Furthermore, the Deposy Product ID was refined and questions of verification and automatic invalidation of a transaction in the machine to prevent fraud were successfully solved.

For many other technical and economic issues related to the Deposy system, very good results were achieved. Among other things, the Deposy manufacturer software was created in Python and successfully tested. This software enables the participating companies (plastic manufacturers) to describe their product in detail and in a structured way, thus creating a unique product ID.

The Deposy software, which is based on the IOTA / Tangle technology, was able to convince in the first general tests. A review showed that the Deposy system is fully chrysalis-capable with small adjustments. Additionally, chrysalis has a clearly positive effect on the speed. The team will document this in the next few weeks. Chrysalis is an improvement of the network of the IOTA DLT / Tangle on the way to a complete shutdown of the coordinator.

Furthermore the test runs of selected hardware components also delivered highly satisfactory results. As a result, the Deposy Team is now able to enter a new phase in accordance with the roadmap. From now on we are in the test phase (Proof of Concept / POC), at the end of which the prototype will be ready. The video shows a simple test of the Deposy System. The test system will be further professionalized in the coming weeks. So the whole process can not only be tested but also illustrated.

Markus Gebhardt, 1st Chairman of BIOTA e.V., the association that develops the Deposy System, says

It is both exciting and great to see how we as a team have developed a concept from an initial idea, which was then implemented with the help of innovative, new technology and is now successfully entering the test phase. For our system, the DLT technology IOTA offers significant advantages such as

  • fast transaction speeds
  • secure data transfer
  • no transaction fees.

What is IOTA?
What is DLT?

The officially registered association BIOTA e.V. is currently engaged in talks with several domestic and foreign companies and organisations that show interest in the potential applications of the deposit system. The background to this is that more and more companies are committing themselves to the recycling economy and an increasing number of countries are tightening their plastics recycling legislation. The Deposy system is an excellent solution for a part of the plastic waste problem. A number of companies are also enthusiastic about the possibilities of a Product ID. Cooperations are currently being prepared, on which the association will report in the coming weeks. The BIOTA e.V. team has also created a certificate with which companies can document their commitment to the environment and climate protection.

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